Sacred Space Creation

Every single room has a special aura, an energy-field that is, of course, influenced by the lifes and stories that have been lived in it before. Or: that want to be lived. In some rooms or houses we feel immediately at ease—or the other way around: our whole system is in alert because something is not feeling good! But what exactly it is, many of us can not point out. 

To »make it yours«, to set a mark on your territory or a certain intension for a new space, I help you create the atmosphere you feel home and secure in. 

After a talk of your intensions and wishes, I will create a whole interior design or just one single illustration for your space with the keywords that are important to you. In a special ritual we clean the space and after this I create and install the new design with different techniques, for example Tape-Art, painting or drawing. Bigger spaces need a bit more planning. After a first brainstorming and idea, I or we together create your new space.  

In the future you will find some Wanna-do´s on this page. Small or bigger Motives that come to me and I would like to realize if it also speaks to you.


I was in a deep process of transformation. I felt lost and destabilized. Not knowing what will come and how I will handle all these uncertainties I had to face. I needed a refuge, a space where I can feel stable and secure to nourish myself for everything that will come. I wanted a space that can give me this security, this feeling of being grounded and at the same time the trust in the flow of life.


You want to take this step?

Then please fill this questionnarie so that I can have a picture of where I can meet you. It will be the base of the individual interior-/illustrative design I will create for you. Your answers will be treated highly confidential. If you feel more secure, you can answer these questions differently with a personal call or meeting, etc.

9 + 10 =

»In February, I bought my new house to set up a massage and training centre on the ground floor. As interior design is not exactly one of my key competences, I entrusted the project to Stefanie. I explained my project, the values and intention for the place and: I wanted it to be super cosy. I trusted her and gave her free rein, she made various suggestions and we started work.

Stefanie took care of choosing the interior design, she did some of the work herself and I did some of it with the help of my friends or commissioned contractors. From the choice of colours, fabrics for curtains, cushions and floors, the choice of lamps, finding antiques, small tables, plants, flowers… to create a warm atmosphere where visitors can feel safe – Stefanie did the whole design part.

The effect on my clients is just marvellous, they come and open their eyes wide. And… they don’t want to leave anymore. All my needs and the ones of my clients are 100 % met! Stefanie took care of the things that were difficult for me but gave me the space I wanted to take in the work. In short, a lovely collaboration, just the way I like it.«


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