»If you want to be seen in what you truly are, you have to show yourself–and in this create your own soul-tribe.«


Conscious Play-Nights

So far we only invited people who we know share our values of our »Conscious Play-Nights«. Due to the success, more and more people keep asking us about it and we would be happy to welcome new participants. As these evenings are also a unique healing space, we put all our energy into keeping them a safe place that respects everyone’s limits and needs. So, if you feel the call to attend one of our Play-Nights, please fill out the questionnaire below. If  your application fits the energy of these evenings, we are happy to send you an invitation.

Supported Massage

»First of all thank you Steffi and Nico for inviting me to the temple of sensuality. This evening of yesterday I needed to translate it into words to give it meaning, integrate it and conscientize the energies received. What beautiful encounters, each one with a world of his own that I had a lot of pleasure to discover. Crescendo the magic went up settling aphrodisiac sensuality, I have tasted all the delights mmmm my body, my heart and my soul still revels in it… The apotheosis was when at the end of the night Osiris invited me to live the tantric union, alchemy of transformation initiated in the magic of isis, union of isis and osiris, the quintessence reached from the inner temple on the path of mysteries. Thank you all for this shared fusion.«


Our intention with the »Conscious Play-Nights«:
Our goal is to create a community, a conscious family, that is eager to share and explore heart openness, sensitivity, sensuality together without judgements and in a compassionate way. It is about to be seen and see others as global human beings with bodies, souls, emotions, needs and boundaries. We want to offer a safe and privileged space where everyone can be as he, she or they is, live experiences in a spirit of love, respect and connection.

For this we share a bunch of communication-tools and our values in a lecture before we slowly enter into the field of exploration. During the evening we create a safe space, where our participants can practice these tools while living and showing their desires. We support everybody in his or her exploration, assist them if they feel challanged. Our participants will be able to experience what they would like to experience with people who want to share their ideas and wishes. It can be a look, a caress, a cuddle, a massage, a sensual moment, or more … as long as each person concerned gives their consent. It is a space where we will help our participants to listen deeply to their needs and limits in order to spend a beautiful and harmonious evening with like-minded people.

I have no words to describe this conscious night of Friday… or else, love, joy, exstasis. I can’t believe it. I am happy to know that I am part of this »love family«. A beauty… to lose his words! It took me 10 minutes to come back in my body, whereas tonight when I arrived I felt a thousand miles away from him. Ahouuuuu!


2 + 7 =

Sensual Touch

July 2022

Our first Temple-Night was about the sensual touch. What defines it, what does it need to be sensual and how do we create a sensual space.

Body Language

October 2022

Let your bodies speak in their languages: movement and touch. Discover your desires in a beautiful, intuitive dance with others or just with yourself. Connect to your essence and enter a space of body flow, vibration and pure sensation.

The Magic of Kissing

January 2023

Kissing is a language in its own: it allows you to express what you feel, your emotions, your desires, your passion, your hesitation. With a kiss you can create erotic tension, tell a story, explore another body…


Previous Topics

Tantric Touch

August 2022

We share with you our experience on what it means to give a tantric massage, how to be present, how to be gentle, how to be slow, how to awaken the senses, how to open the heart.


November 2022

We need to feel save, seen, heard and held to open up, show ourselves in all our beauty and vulnerability. For this it´s necessary to listen to each other with the warm feelings of compassion, love and respect for what is alive for each one of us in this very moment. Only if we can meet on this level, we can really see the essence of each other–and with this: open up, or even heal.

Wildest & Mildest Fantasy


We all have fantasies, sometimes wild, sometimes mild ones. Some of these fantasies you want to keep for yourself–but what about the ones you want to share and co-create because you are ready to live them…


December 2022

Be with all your passion, creativity, gifts, desires and share them with beautiful, like-minded people. It is a place to actively create the vibrant experiences you would like to live and to dive deep into the co-creation with others.

Kinky Carnival

February 2023

Explore new facets of yourself! Enjoy dressing up in a way you’ve always wanted to but haven’t yet had the audacity to do. Here, as you know, is no judgment. Feel free to go for it!


What I am offering

Meet Your Temple Ritual for Women

Temple Art

»Meet Your Temple«-Ritual for Women

Temple Co Creation

Body Art

Sensual Body Painting-Ritual

Meet Your Temple Ritual for Women

Body Art

The Art of Cuddling

Tantric Massage

Body Art

Individual Tantric Ritual

Temple Co Creation

Temple Art

Conscious Play-Night

Meet Your Temple Ritual for Women

Body Art

Your Temple Drawing

Supported Massage

Body Art

Supported Tantric Ritual for Women

Playful Printing for Couples

Temple Art

Playful Printing for Couples

Playful Printing for Couples

Body Art

Sensual Nude Drawing Circle

Tantric Massage Couples

Body Art

Tantric Ritual for Couples

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