Art, Health, Art, Health, Yoniverse, Yoniverse
A yoni portrait on the kitchen table? Why not actually? Who needs something like that, you might ask? A picture of your own yoni in the kitchen, the living room, or maybe better in the guest bathroom … Or where should you hang it up? Maybe in the bedroom...
All, Art, Art, My Path, My Path, All, Sunday thoughts, Sunday thoughts
What a weekend at the »Salon Planet Zen« in Liège! A week and a half ago I was with Nicolas Deru and »La Voie Du Plaisir« at the »Planet Zen« trade fair in Liège, Belgium. After months of preparation, planning, designing and discussing how we could present our...
All, Art, My Path, Sunday thoughts
Sunday thoughts… What has art to do with bodywork? There are various forms art can have, right? Art can be a song, a painting, a sculpture, a concept, a scenario, a dance. But that it is considered as a piece of art, is highly individual for every recipient. In German...