Sunday thoughts…
What has art to do with bodywork?

There are various forms art can have, right? Art can be a song, a painting, a sculpture, a concept, a scenario, a dance. But that it is considered as a piece of art, is highly individual for every recipient.
In German there is a saying »Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?« what you can literally translate to »Is this art or can I put it in the bin?«. What is art for one person, is not art at all for another one. Maybe this discussion everybody knows. But what is it then that is literally touching us, when we experience something that we consider as art?
It is a resonance, a feeling, a sensation in us and sometimes even in our bodies that we feel attracted by—if it is flattering to our senses or not. So the messages art can send are various: It can be irritating or even shocking, it can speak to our education, puts it in question. Art can be flattering and fulfill our eyes attraction for aesthetics. Art can be conceptual and speaks to our conceptual mind. And: Art can be sensual and with this meets us directly on the body-level.
Who doesn’t know the feeling of goosebumps everywhere on the body by listening to a certain song that is resonating with something very deep inside of us? Something we can not put in words.

In all of this how art can enrich our daily lives I, of course, see it as an impulse to grow, to put in question or validate what we assume is settled. Art reminds us of the flow of life, the constant change that is happening inside of us and around us. But it also speaks to something inside of us that is settled: to our intuition. The true authority for each one of us to lead us to the things that feel right for us.
So, these two components »to touch« and »to grow« is what defines the term art to me. Art is something that sets an impulse. And exactly this is happening in the fiel of bodywork, when I or we together use our bodies to express, to experience, to create new impulses we can grow with. And as the Bauhaus says: »Form follows function«. So, what I consider as art is the result of my intension when I create something, that goes into resonance with me and best case: with others. The shape of it, if it is a ritual of touch, a picture, a design, a space I hold doesn’t matter. These are just different ways how a message can be transported to others, set a spark for what is resonating and alive in this very moment for me and for them.
And in this, sensuality for me is very much connected to art. Using colors, water, oil, feathers, brushes, fingers, bodies, interacting with other bodies so that they feel the message I would like to send to them on more than the physical level is a highly artistic thing to do. As every body and mind is different, every approach needs another »color« to literally touch them. Deeply and long-lasting—although the art itself can be a very temporary thing. A short, poetic moment. Like the song that is causing the warm shiver in our bodies of course a physical touch, a certain atmosphere or group dynamic can bring the same sensation. It can be a picture, a memory, a dance of a hands and bodies, unique in it´s touch, pace, firmness in every moment. Something that will last or not, but leaves an imprint in our souls, minds and bodily experiences.
So: You need a body to create or receive art. To see it, to hear it, to taste it and of course to feel it. So how could art not be related to bodywork… For my interpretation it is inseparable. It’s dance between impulses from the outside, sensations in the inside and vice versa… growing together into one unique artistic experience.
In case you were wondering about the term art in combination with bodywork… 😉
What I am offering

Temple Art
»Meet Your Temple«-Ritual for Women

Body Art
Sensual Body Painting-Ritual

Body Art
The Art of Cuddling
Body Art
Tantric Ritual for Couples

Temple Art
Conscious Play-Night

Temple Art
Sacred Space Creation

Body Art
Your Temple Drawing

Body Art
Sensual Nude Drawing Circle

Temple Art
Playful Printing for Couples

Body Art
Individual Tantric Ritual

Body Art
Supported Tantric Ritual for Women