
how come?

Creativity was always a big part of me, so it was not a surprise that I chose to take the path towards a creative profession in my younger years. After taking school, formations, Bachelor- and Masterstudies for many years, diving deep into the field of graphic design, I finally realised how low on creativity I felt the past few years.

This well-know fear of the white paper catched me, I felt stressed by the expectations of my clients, the feeling of non-worshipping of my work when it comes to negotiating an appropriate salary with this job, the judgement of my colleagues and of course the judgement of myself towards my own work. I totally lost the joy in creating. I was too much in my head, trying to accomplish a certain status in the field of my work, judging myself, that I didn’t reach it, that I didn’t feel the success of all my efforts to be a good and creative designer—neither when it comes to financial abundance nor reputative acknowledgment. I wanted to be progressive in my visual work, be one of the forward-thinking people in the design-field. I wanted to create fancy, young and edgy designs with an meaning—and to be honest my outcome is mostly a design that is harmonic, maybe poetic and a very subtile in it’s visual language. This image of an progressive, edgy and successful designer I was trying to reach for so many years was just not inside of me. I was unhappy about that, frustrated by my own claims towards myself, I lost the joy and lightness in just playing and creating what is naturally coming out of myself—for a very long time.

I was trying to be someone else. But this I realised only, when my intuition led me my out of another reason to the field of bodywork.

I started participating tantric workshops, massage- and dancing-sessions, my life started to feel full again, vibrating, I connected myself more and more with my own sacred power in being connected to my body and my sexuality. Now I can say it led me again to my playfulness—in my private as well as in my professional worklife. Without the fear of being judged, by me or by others I started to create again, to dare to show myself in my creations and yes: to love my style! One year before I would have never dared to publish a website that is not 1,000 % finished in its visual or content-based concept. And here I am, publishing Intousia and with this putting my vulnerable self out there, literally naked, with a concept that connects my artistic approach with bodywork. A concept I cannot compare so far with others. You can do art or design, yes. You can do tantric massage, dancing or communication workshops, yes. But how do you call it it you combine all of this? Using the creative power we all have to create lightness again in our daily lives and bring back creativity in your life?

As Ursula Le Guin says »The creative adult is the child that survived«. In the framework of Intousia, I want to support people with different temporary painting-, drawing-, performating-rituals a way to their playfulness and lightness again. Maybe my edgy and progressive creative outcome is not visible in a fancy looking graphic-portfolio. Maybe it’s more about creating new approaches, new spaces, concepts that are in the service of well-being and healing for others and in this—a visual work that lasts… or not. But in fact: I don’t care. I do and create again with joy, passion and lightness… and what do I want more.


So I’m happy if all of this speaks to you, if you will follow me on this new path of creativity. Let’s see what now finds it’s way into the light … I’m happy to share it with you or even create it together with you!

Stay updated and receive a small present form the heart! 

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Then I would be happy to count you in, in my conscious community and letting you know about my upcoming propositions and activities via my Newsletter. As a present for your trust, I would like to share with you the first important step I took, to built up my life full of love, creation and heart-connections.

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Was ich anbiete

Meet Your Temple-Ritual für Frauen

Sinnliches Zeichnen


Meet Your Temple-Ritual für Frauen

Sinnliches Zeichnen

Yoni-Porträt / Eins zu Eins-Ritual


Sinnliche Malerei

Sinnliches Bodypainting-Ritual

Massage Assistentin

Selbstliebe Sessions

Entfessle Deine kreative Schöpferkraft

Meet Your Temple-Ritual für Frauen

Sacred Space Creation

Ihr individuelles Raumdesign

Massage Assistentin


Unterstütztes tantrisches Ritual

Ein lustiger Eindruck für Paare

Sinnliches Kreieren

Verspieltes drucken für Paare

Tantrische Massage


Individuelles tantrisches Ritual

Meet Your Temple-Ritual für Frauen


Kuscheln als Kunst